Last updated: 28-Sep-2023

Each entry on this page includes a code block showing an example URL. This may be copied into an editor of choice (such as notepad++) and changed as needed.

The modified result can be pasted into a standard browser in order to answer the result of running the (modified) URL.

NOTE: A prefix of @ in this document means that the identifier refers to a query-string parameter in the URL of an endpoint. For example, "@prName" refers to the left-hand side of a query string pair like "prName=anndeletePR", where the right-hand side is the value of the query-string parameter.

Each query-string of each endpoint is sequence of query-string pairs separated by an ampersand ("&") character.

The value of each query-string pair must be URL-encoded. One convenient tool for obtaining a URL-encoded string is (URlEncoder).