This document describes the "Gate Daemon" service ("gated"), a daemon managed by "systemd"/"systemctl".

Theory of Operation


GATE ("General Architecture for Text Engineering") is a system written in Java that provides rich and robust text processing capabilities.

The gated service is a Java process that provides client access to a single GATE instance running in a single Java VM ("JVM").

NOTE: The gated service provides access to a single GATE instance on a single JVM. The gated service has no representation for a "user". It does not support parallel operations. The "GATE Developer" and "GATE Cloud" products from the University of Sheffield are more appropriate for team and parallel use.

The gated service has been exercised with clients written in Python and NodeJS, as well as command-line clients that use wget like described in this document.

System Architecture and Components

The components described here assume an Amazon Web Services ("AWS") EC2 instance running a current version of Rocky Linux.

Lifecycle of a typical gated session

A client interaction with gated has three distinct phases:

  1. Setup
  2. Use
  3. Cleanup

These occur in a single "session".

NOTE: The gated service provides no representation or behavior for a session. Each client of gated must manage their own session behavior.

During the "Setup" phase, a client loads one or more plugin instances.

During the "Use" phase, the client creates or loads needed resources and then performs operations on those resources.

During the "Cleanup" phase, the client invokes housekeeping endpoints that free resources in the backend and that reset the state of the gate service to discard any cached entities.

Each endpoint used during "Setup" and "Cleanup" is idempotent. It is therefore good practice to call the "Cleanup" endpoints during "Setup" to handle the unlikely event that any of gate, gated, or GATE were not properly cleaned up at the end of a prior session.

GATE (core) Resources

This section describes the GATE core resources supported and used by the gate service.


A "Corpus" is a CREOLE resource that aggregates one or more instances of "Document" for use by a "Pipeline"


A "Document" is a CREOLE resource that provides access to a specific text document.


A gate "Pipeline" is a "SerialAnalyserController" in GATE.

From the GATE documentation:

A [Pipeline] opens each document in the corpus in turn, sets that document as a runtime parameter on each PR, runs all the PRs on the corpus, then closes the document.


A "Plugin" is:

a directory or JAR file containing an XML configuration file called creole.xml at its root

The gate service assumes the use of the ANNIE plugin.


A "ProcessingResource" is a CREOLE resource associated with a Plugin that provides specific behavior determined by run-time parameters defined for that ProcessingResource.

gated Resources

This section enumerates and briefly describes the Java classes that comprise the gated system service.


The GateServer class directs the validation, dispatch, and response for each https interaction.

GateServer supports six https endpoints and two development endpoints, for a total of eight. The eight endpoints are as follows:

  1. hello

    The hello development endpoint answers "Hello World" to any request. It is used to confirm the roundtrip path through gated itself.

  2. echo

    The echo development endpoint its query string to any request. It is used to confirm the argument handling of gated itself.

  3. plugin

    The plugin endpoint is used to load a specified Maven plugin.

  4. cleanup

    The cleanup endpoint is used to empty the several caches of gated as well as invoke needed cleanup behavior in GATE.

  5. document

    The document endpoint provides behavior for loading, accessing, and cleaning up instances of GATE Document.

  6. corpus

    The corpus endpoint provides behavior for loading, accessing, and cleaning up instances of GATE Corpus.

  7. pr

    The pr endpoint provides behavior for loading instances of ProcessingResource.

  8. pipeline

    The pipeline endpoint provides behavior for creating, loading, configuring, running, and storing instances of Pipeline (ConditionalSerialAnalyserController).

Each endpoint is supported by a pair of classes -- a handler that extends GateHandler and a worker that extends GateWorker.


GateHandler is an abstract class that provides behavior shared by the handler of each endpoint.

The shared behavior includes methods that parse and dispatch specific operations, as well as catch and handle exceptions thrown by the worker.

The following classes extend GateHandler and provide access to the worker of each

An instance of a GateHandler descendant catches instances of GateDaemonException, GateException, and IOError thrown by its worker while executing an operation. The information from each exception is gathered in the returnResponse of the worker so that it may be returned as a 200 response with an 'isSuccessfulvalue offalse`.

Any other worker exception causes a 500 ("Server Error") response from GateServer.

This means that a non-200 response from GateServer indicates an error in the GateDaemon itself or an error in the JVM -- most GATE errors cause a GateException to be thrown by GATE (and caught by GateHandler).


GateWorker is an abstract class that provides behavior shared by the worker of each endpoint. GateWorker also maintains state that is shared by its descendants. This state is primarily the following five caches:

Each of these binds a name (provided by the client) with a corresponding instance in GATE.

Each instance of a GateWorker descendant inherits a returnResponse. This is is a HashMap that contains an object that is ultimate returned to the client in the response of each successful https request.


An instance of CleanupWorker resets the shared caches of GateWorker and invokes cleanup methods in GATE for those instances that require it.


An instance of CorpusWorker provides behavior for creating, adding documents to, and clearing a GATE corpus.


An instance of DocumentWorker provides behavior for creating, loading, and accessing properties of a GATE document.

DocumentWorker uses a helper class named DocumentWrapper.

DocumentWrapper is a helper class with static methods that provide access to the GATE factory classes needed to create and load instances of GATE Document.


An instance of EchoWorker echoes the value of its text query parameter.


An instance of HelloWorker adds a binding with key hello and value Hello World to its returnResponse


An instance of PipelineWorker provides behavior for creating, loading, storing, configuring, and running a GATE pipeline.


An instance of PRWorker provides behavior for loading, reinitializing, and unloading a GATE ProcessingResource.


Descendants of GateDaemonException are thrown to report specific validation errors detected by GateDaemon itself. These are primarily thrown by instances of a GateWorker descendant.

Each instance of a GateDaemonException descendant thrown during an operation is caught by GateHandler and reported to the client as a 200 response whose isSuccessful key has a value of "false". The name, description, and stack for the specific failure is contained in the other bindings of the failed 200 response.

A client of gated is expected to test for and handle such failures.

The name of the GateDaemonException descendant reflects the meaning of the error being reported.

Using gated from the command line

The same endpoints used by the gate service can be accessed from the command line using an SSH shell.

Many endpoints of gated throw exceptions or fail in unexpected ways if a plugin is not loaded. The current implementation and all examples in this document assume the use of the ANNIE plugin.

The gated daemon is a long-running service managed by systemd (systemctl on Rocky Linux). It is therefore good practice to invoke the cleanup endpoint at the conclusion of a manual session where other endpoints are exercised.

For convenience, the following wget command lines should be executed before and after exercising other gated endpoints:

The following example endpoint is used to run a pipeline that has already been created and configured:

The following table uses the above example to illustrate the several parts of a gated endpoint, using the above example.

Part Example Description
base The https URL of the target system
port 7899 The designated port of the gated service
version v0 Version specifier for the endpoint
path pipeline A version designator followed by the name of the resource to be used
operation runPipeline The operation to perform on the designated resource
query pipelineName=testpipeline A sequence of one or more key-value pairs

Table 1: gated Endpoint Anatomy

For convenience, every endpoint in the gate project is a GET endpoint. Each successful response is a JSON-encoded object containing the response from the GATE instance.

This means that any endpoint can be exercised using the "wget" command. Here is a command line string that invokes the example endpoint:

wget ""

NOTE: The URL is enclosed in a double-quote pair (") because many endpoints contain reserved characters interpreted by the command line shell (such as bash).

Here is a command line that loads the ANNIE plugin, together with its response:

Command line:

wget ""

Response (pretty printed and reordered for clarity):

{ "isSuccessful":"true", "operation":"loadMavenPlugin", "pluginGroup":"" "pluginArtifact":"annie", "pluginVersion":"9.1", }
Path Operations Parameters (*=optional)
loadMavenPlugin group, artifact, version
n.a. n.a.
loadFromURL documentURL
loadFromPath documentPath
getDocumentContent documentName
getAnnotationSetNames documentName
getAnnotationsForName documentName, annotationSetName*
cleanupDocument documentName
createCorpus corpusName
clearCorpus corpusName
addDocument corpusName, documentName
loadPR prName, resourcePath
reinitPR prName
unloadPR prName
createPipeline pipelineName
addPR pipelineName, prName
setCorpus pipelineName, corpusName
getParameterValue pipelineName, prName, parameterName
setParameterValue pipelineName, prName, parameterName, parameterValue*, parameterType
runPipeline pipelineName
storePipelineToFile pipelineName, pipelinePath
loadPipelineFromFile pipelineName, pipelinePath

Table 2: gated Endpoints

NOTE: The parameterValue is optional for the v0/pipeline endpoint so that a parameter value can be set to null. This is accomplished by providing values for the pipelineName, prName, parameterName, and parameterType.